
How it Works?

We have designed it to be as easy as 5 steps
01 Recall a specific moment which is meaningful and an important part of the life story being recorded.
02 Collect your thoughts, or obtain the details of the moment or event, as well as the real world records and reminders associated with that memory. Make digital images of these and use any other digital images or video recordings available.
03 Add the Memory in Meander, putting in the details, the location, a date or range of dates, a tag to categorise it, and a title for it. Attach any digital records you want from the previous step which can be associated with the memory
04 Select the people who were part of the memory, or with whom you wish to share the records. They will be able to see all the details as well as send back their recollections and any media they want. You can choose whether to accept and save these contributions (Memory Bubbles)
05 As you add memories and save received Memory Bubbles they are added to your timeline. Bookmark those you wish to revisit later. Build a timeline made up of the myriad of moments which together reveal the story you want to record.